A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
D — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxKeyboard |
| |
dampingRatio — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2DistanceJointDef |
| |
dampingRatio — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2MouseJointDef |
| |
_data — Property, class org.flixel.FlxMonitor |
An array to hold all the data we are averaging. |
data — Property, class org.flixel.FlxSave |
Allows you to directly access the data container in the local shared object. |
_data — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.TileLayer |
| |
dead — Property, class org.flixel.FlxObject |
Handy for tracking gameplay or animations. |
debug — Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxG |
Whether you are running in Debug or Release mode. |
debug — Static Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
debugDraw — Static Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
debugDrawer — Static Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
Decompose(v:Vector$Number) — Static Method , class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape |
| |
decomposeShape(params:Array) — Static Method , class stencyl.api.io.SpriteReader |
| |
defaultAnim — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
defaultAnimation — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Sprite |
| |
defaultContactListener — Static Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2World |
| |
defaultDestructionListener — Static Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2World |
| |
defaultFont — Static Property, class stencyl.api.engine.Graphics |
| |
defaultGroup — Property, class org.flixel.FlxState |
Internal group used to organize and display objects you add to this state. |
defaultSceneID — Property, class stencyl.api.data.Game |
| |
defaultValue — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.Attribute |
| |
DeferredActor — class, package stencyl.api.engine.scene |
| |
DeferredActor(type:stencyl.api.engine.actor:ActorType, x:int, y:int, layer:int) — Constructor, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.DeferredActor |
| |
delay — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxAnim |
Seconds between frames (basically the framerate)
_delay — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxFade |
How long the effect should last. |
_delay — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxFlash |
How long the effect should last. |
DELETE — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxKeyboard |
| |
deleteProperty(name:any) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.utils.HashSet |
Removes an object from this set. |
density — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef |
| |
deref(adr:int) — Static Method , class Box2DAS.Common.b2Base |
dereference a C++ pointer or AS3_Val that is pointing to an AS3 object. |
desaturate() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.utils.ColorMatrix |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2DistanceInput |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2DistanceOutput |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2SimplexCache |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2LoopShape |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Common.b2Base |
Destroy base function just sets _ptr = 0. |
destroy() — Static Method , class Box2DAS.Common.b2Def |
Destroy all definitions. |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Controllers.b2Controller |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2Body |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2BodyDef |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2Fixture |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2World |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2DistanceJointDef |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2FrictionJointDef |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2GearJointDef |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2LineJointDef |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2MouseJointDef |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2PrismaticJointDef |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2PulleyJointDef |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2RevoluteJointDef |
| |
destroy() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2WeldJointDef |
| |
destroy() — method, class org.flixel.FlxButton |
Called by the game state when state is changed (if this object belongs to the state)
destroy() — method, class org.flixel.FlxGroup |
Override this function to handle any deleting or "shutdown" type operations you might need,
such as removing traditional Flash children like Sprite objects. |
destroy() — method, class org.flixel.FlxObject |
Called by FlxGroup, commonly when game states are changed. |
destroy() — method, class org.flixel.FlxSound |
The basic class destructor, stops the music and removes any leftover events. |
destroy() — method, class org.flixel.FlxState |
Override this function to handle any deleting or "shutdown" type operations you
might need (such as removing traditional Flash children like Sprite objects). |
destroy() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
destroy() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.BehaviorManager |
| |
DestroyBody(body:Box2DAS.Dynamics:b2Body) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2World |
| |
DestroyFixture(fixture:Box2DAS.Dynamics:b2Fixture) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2Body |
| |
destroyJoint(j:Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints:b2Joint) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
destroyJoint(j:Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints:b2Joint) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
DestroyJoint(joint:Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints:b2Joint) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2World |
| |
destroyJointByID(jointID:int) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
destroyMembers() — method, class org.flixel.FlxGroup |
Internal function that actually loops through and destroys each member. |
destroySounds(ForceDestroy:Boolean) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG |
Called by FlxGame on state changes to stop and destroy sounds. |
destroyVertices() — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2LoopShape |
| |
die() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
diff(subtrahend:Object) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.utils.HashSet |
Returns the difference between this set and another object. |
Disable() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Contacts.b2Contact |
| |
disableActorDrawing() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
disableBehavior(name:String) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
disableBehavior(b:String) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.BehaviorManager |
| |
disableBehaviorForScene(behaviorName:String) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
Disable the given Behavior (by name) for the current scene
disableCursor() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
disableDebugDrawing() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
disableDefaultHotKeys() — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG |
Disable Fixel's default hot key controls
disableGlobalSleeping() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
disableGlobalSleeping() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
disablePauseOnFocusLost() — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG |
Disable pausing on focus lost
disableRotation() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
disableThisBehavior() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
Disable the current Behavior. |
disableThisBehavior() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.ActorScript |
| |
dispatcher — Property, class Box2DAS.Common.b2EventDispatcher |
| |
dispatchEvent(evt:flash.events:Event) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.b2EventDispatcher |
| |
distance — Property, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2DistanceOutput |
| |
distance(b:Box2DAS.Common:V2) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V2 |
| |
distance(b:Box2DAS.Common:V3) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V3 |
| |
distanceInput — Static Property, class Box2DAS.Common.b2Def |
| |
distanceJoint — Static Property, class Box2DAS.Common.b2Def |
| |
distanceOutput — Static Property, class Box2DAS.Common.b2Def |
| |
distanceSquared(b:Box2DAS.Common:V2) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V2 |
| |
distanceSquared(b:Box2DAS.Common:V3) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V3 |
| |
divide(b:Box2DAS.Common:V2) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V2 |
| |
divide(a:Box2DAS.Common:V2, b:Box2DAS.Common:V2) — Static Method , class Box2DAS.Common.V2 |
| |
divide(b:Box2DAS.Common:V3) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V3 |
| |
divide(a:Box2DAS.Common:V3, b:Box2DAS.Common:V3) — Static Method , class Box2DAS.Common.V3 |
| |
divideN(n:Number) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V2 |
| |
divideN(a:Box2DAS.Common:V2, n:Number) — Static Method , class Box2DAS.Common.V2 |
| |
divideN(n:Number) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V3 |
| |
divideN(a:Box2DAS.Common:V3, n:Number) — Static Method , class Box2DAS.Common.V3 |
| |
doesCustomDrawing() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
Call this if you need to do any drawing using draw()
doFollow() — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG |
Internal function that updates the camera and parallax scrolling. |
done — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.TimedTask |
| |
DOODAD_ID — Static Property, class stencyl.api.data.Game |
| |
dot(b:Box2DAS.Common:V2) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V2 |
| |
dot(b:Box2DAS.Common:V3) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V3 |
| |
DOWN — Constant Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxSprite |
Useful for checking player orientation. |
DOWN — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxKeyboard |
| |
drag — Property, class org.flixel.FlxObject |
This isn't drag exactly, more like deceleration that is only applied
when acceleration is not affecting the sprite. |
draw(Brush:org.flixel:FlxSprite, X:int, Y:int) — method, class org.flixel.FlxSprite |
This function draws or stamps one FlxSprite onto another. |
draw(g:stencyl.api.engine:Graphics, x:Number, y:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
draw(g:stencyl.api.engine:Graphics, x:Number, y:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.Behavior |
| |
draw(cameraX:Number, cameraY:Number, screenWidth:Number, screenHeight:Number) — method, interface stencyl.api.engine.bg.Background |
| |
draw(cameraX:Number, cameraY:Number, screenWidth:Number, screenHeight:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.bg.ColorBackground |
| |
draw(cameraX:Number, cameraY:Number, screenWidth:Number, screenHeight:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.bg.GradientBackground |
| |
draw(cameraX:Number, cameraY:Number, screenWidth:Number, screenHeight:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.bg.ImageBackground |
| |
draw(state:stencyl.api.engine:GameState) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.FadeInTransition |
| |
draw(state:stencyl.api.engine:GameState) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.FadeOutTransition |
| |
draw(viewX:Number, viewY:Number, alpha:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.TileLayer |
| |
draw(state:stencyl.api.engine:GameState) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.Transition |
| |
Draw(g:flash.display:Graphics, xf:Box2DAS.Common:XF, scale:Number, options:Object) — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape |
| |
Draw(g:flash.display:Graphics, xf:Box2DAS.Common:XF, scale:Number, options:Object) — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2EdgeShape |
| |
Draw(g:flash.display:Graphics, xf:Box2DAS.Common:XF, scale:Number, options:Object) — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2LoopShape |
| |
Draw(g:flash.display:Graphics, xf:Box2DAS.Common:XF, scale:Number, options:Object) — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape |
| |
Draw(g:flash.display:Graphics, xf:Box2DAS.Common:XF, scale:Number, options:Object) — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2Shape |
| |
Draw() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw |
| |
Draw(g:flash.display:Graphics, xf:Box2DAS.Common:XF, scale:Number) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2Fixture |
| |
drawable — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.Behavior |
| |
drawBackgrounds() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.bg.ParallaxArea |
| |
drawCircle(xCenter:uint, yCenter:uint, radius:uint) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Graphics |
| |
drawForegrounds() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.bg.ParallaxArea |
| |
drawImage(img:flash.display:BitmapData, x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int, overrideAlpha:Boolean) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Graphics |
| |
drawImage(g:stencyl.api.engine:Graphics) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
DrawJoint(j:Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints:b2Joint) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw |
| |
drawLine(x1:uint, y1:uint, x2:uint, y2:uint) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Graphics |
| |
drawOrder — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.Behavior |
| |
DrawPair(c:Box2DAS.Dynamics.Contacts:b2Contact) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw |
| |
drawPixel(x:uint, y:uint) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Graphics |
| |
drawRect(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Graphics |
| |
drawRoundRect(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int, arcSize:int) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Graphics |
| |
DrawSegment(p1:Box2DAS.Common:V2, p2:Box2DAS.Common:V2) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw |
| |
DrawShape(fixture:Box2DAS.Dynamics:b2Fixture, xf:Box2DAS.Common:XF) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw |
| |
drawsImage() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
drawString(s:String, x:int, y:int, w:int, alignment:String) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Graphics |
| |
dtfCopy() — method, class org.flixel.FlxText |
A helper function for updating the TextField that we use for rendering. |
duration — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.FadeInTransition |
| |
duration — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.FadeOutTransition |
| |
durations — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Animation |
| |
durations — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.bg.ImageBackground |
| |
durations — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.tile.Tile |
| |
dynamicTiles — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
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