A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
_t — Property, class org.flixel.FlxQuadTree |
| |
T — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxKeyboard |
| |
_tailA — Property, class org.flixel.FlxQuadTree |
| |
_tailB — Property, class org.flixel.FlxQuadTree |
| |
tangentImpulse — Property, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2ManifoldPoint |
| |
tangentImpulse1 — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2ContactImpulse |
| |
tangentImpulse2 — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2ContactImpulse |
| |
target — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2MouseJointDef |
| |
terrain — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.Scene |
| |
TERRAIN_ID — Static Property, class stencyl.api.data.Game |
| |
TerrainRegion — class, package stencyl.api.engine.scene |
| |
TerrainRegion(game:stencyl.api.engine:GameState, x:Number, y:Number, shapes:Array, groupID:int) — Constructor, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.TerrainRegion |
| |
TerrainRegionDef — class, package stencyl.api.engine.scene |
| |
TerrainRegionDef(shapes:Array, ID:Number, name:String, x:Number, y:Number, groupID:int) — Constructor, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.TerrainRegionDef |
| |
terrainRegions — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
terrainRegions — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.Scene |
| |
TestPoint(transform:Box2DAS.Common:XF, p:Box2DAS.Common:V2) — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape |
| |
TestPoint(xf:Box2DAS.Common:XF, p:Box2DAS.Common:V2) — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape |
| |
TestPoint(xf:Box2DAS.Common:XF, p:Box2DAS.Common:V2) — method, class Box2DAS.Collision.Shapes.b2Shape |
| |
TestPoint(p:Box2DAS.Common:V2) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2Fixture |
| |
text — Property, class org.flixel.FlxText |
The text being displayed. |
text — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.gui.Label |
| |
_tf — Property, class org.flixel.FlxText |
| |
theLoader — Static Property, class stencyl.api.data.Assets |
| |
thisActor — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Collision |
| |
thisShape — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Collision |
| |
THREE — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxKeyboard |
| |
threshold(threshold:Number, factor:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.utils.ColorMatrix |
| |
thresholdAlpha(threshold:Number, factor:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.utils.ColorMatrix |
| |
threshold_rgb(threshold:Number, factor:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.utils.ColorMatrix |
| |
thrust — Property, class org.flixel.FlxObject |
If you want to do Asteroids style stuff, check out thrust,
instead of directly accessing the object's velocity or acceleration. |
Tile — class, package stencyl.api.engine.tile |
| |
Tile(tileID:Number, collisionID:Number, frameIndex:Number, durations:Array, imgData:any, parent:stencyl.api.engine.tile:Tileset) — Constructor, class stencyl.api.engine.tile.Tile |
| |
tileHeight — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.Scene |
| |
tileID — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.tile.Tile |
| |
TileLayer — class, package stencyl.api.engine.scene |
| |
TileLayer(layerID:Number, zOrder:Number, scene:stencyl.api.engine.scene:Scene, numCols:Number, numRows:Number) — Constructor, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.TileLayer |
| |
tileLayers — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
tiles — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.tile.Tileset |
| |
Tileset — class, package stencyl.api.engine.tile |
| |
Tileset(ID:uint, name:String, framesAcross:Number, framesDown:Number, tiles:Array, imgData:any) — Constructor, class stencyl.api.engine.tile.Tileset |
| |
TilesetReader — class, package stencyl.api.io |
| |
TilesetReader() — Constructor, class stencyl.api.io.TilesetReader |
| |
tileWidth — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.Scene |
| |
TimedTask — class, package stencyl.api.engine |
| |
TimedTask(toExecute:Function, interval:uint, repeats:Boolean) — Constructor, class stencyl.api.engine.TimedTask |
| |
_timer — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxQuake |
Set to countdown the quake time. |
timeScale — Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxG |
How fast or slow time should pass in the game; default is 1.0. |
timeStep — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.StepEvent |
| |
toArray() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.utils.HashSet |
Converts this set into an array with the same membership. |
toBoolean(s:String) — Static Method , class stencyl.api.engine.utils.Util |
| |
toDegrees(radians:Number) — Static Method , class stencyl.api.engine.utils.Util |
| |
toExecute — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.TimedTask |
| |
toggle() — method, class org.flixel.data.FlxConsole |
Shows/hides the console. |
toGreyscale(r:Number, g:Number, b:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.utils.ColorMatrix |
| |
toHex(n:int, bigEndian:Boolean) — Static Method , class stencyl.api.engine.utils.Util |
Outputs the hex value of a int, allowing the developer to specify
the endinaness in the process. |
top — Property, class org.flixel.FlxRect |
The Y coordinate of the top of the rectangle. |
top — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
toP() — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V2 |
| |
topColor — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.bg.GradientBackground |
| |
topEdge — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.gui.Panel |
| |
toPhysicalUnits(value:Number) — Static Method , class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
toPhysicalUnits(value:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
toPixelUnits(value:Number) — Static Method , class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
toPixelUnits(value:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
topLayer — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
topLeft — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.gui.Panel |
| |
topRight — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.gui.Panel |
| |
toRadians(degrees:Number) — Static Method , class stencyl.api.engine.utils.Util |
| |
toString() — method, class Box2DAS.Common.M22 |
| |
toString() — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V2 |
| |
toString() — method, class Box2DAS.Controllers.b2Controller |
| |
toString() — method, class org.flixel.FlxGroup |
| |
toString() — method, class org.flixel.FlxPoint |
Convert object to readable string name. |
toString() — method, class stencyl.api.data.Resource |
| |
toString() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
toString() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.tile.Tile |
| |
toString() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.utils.ColorMatrix |
| |
toString() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.utils.HashSet |
| |
_total — Property, class org.flixel.FlxGame |
| |
toXML(ba:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Static Method , class stencyl.api.data.Assets |
| |
_transform — Property, class org.flixel.FlxSound |
| |
transformA — Property, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2DistanceInput |
| |
transformB — Property, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2DistanceInput |
| |
transformVector(values:Array) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.utils.ColorMatrix |
| |
Transition — class, package stencyl.api.engine.scene |
| |
Transition() — Constructor, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.Transition |
| |
translate(x:int, y:int) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Graphics |
| |
_translatedSource — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.TileLayer |
| |
translateToActor(a:stencyl.api.engine.actor:Actor) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Graphics |
| |
translateToScreen() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Graphics |
| |
trim(input:String) — Static Method , class stencyl.api.engine.utils.StringUtil |
Removes whitespace from the front and the end of the specified
string. |
tween(attribute:Object, params:Object) — Static Method , class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
tweenAngle — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
Tweener — class, package caurina.transitions |
| |
tweenLoc — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
tweenNumber(attributeName:String, toValue:Number, duration:Number, easing:String) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
TWO — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxKeyboard |
| |
type — Property, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2Manifold |
| |
type — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2BodyDef |
| |
type — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2JointDef |
| |
type — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.Attribute |
| |
type — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.DeferredActor |
| |
typeA — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactID |
| |
typeB — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactID |
| |
typeID — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |