A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
p — Property, class Box2DAS.Common.XF |
| |
_p — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.gui.Label |
The coordinates to which several things are copied
P — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxKeyboard |
| |
pack() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.gui.Panel |
| |
pairs — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw |
| |
_pan — Property, class org.flixel.FlxSound |
| |
panel — Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxG |
The support panel (twitter, reddit, stumbleupon, paypal, etc) visor thing
Panel — class, package stencyl.api.engine.gui |
| |
Panel(x:int, y:int, w:int, h:int) — Constructor, class stencyl.api.engine.gui.Panel |
| |
panning — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.sound.SoundClip |
| |
parallax — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
ParallaxArea — class, package stencyl.api.engine.bg |
| |
ParallaxArea(sceneWidth:int, sceneHeight:int) — Constructor, class stencyl.api.engine.bg.ParallaxArea |
| |
ParallaxViewport — class, package stencyl.api.engine.bg |
| |
ParallaxViewport(area:stencyl.api.engine.bg:Area, width:int, height:int) — Constructor, class stencyl.api.engine.bg.ParallaxViewport |
| |
parent — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.Attribute |
| |
parent — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.Behavior |
| |
parent — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.gui.Label |
| |
parent — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.gui.Panel |
| |
parent — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.tile.Tile |
| |
parentID — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Animation |
| |
password — Static Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
_pause — Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxG |
Internal tracker for game pause state. |
pause — Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxG |
Set pause to true to pause the game, all sounds, and display the pause popup. |
pause — Property, class org.flixel.FlxGame |
Displayed whenever the game is paused. |
pause() — method, class org.flixel.FlxSound |
Call this function to pause this sound. |
pauseAll() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
pauseAllTweens() — Static Method , class caurina.transitions.Tweener |
Pause all tweenings on the engine. |
_paused — Property, class org.flixel.FlxGame |
| |
pauseGame() — method, class org.flixel.FlxGame |
Internal function to help with basic pause game functionality. |
_pauseOnFadeOut — Property, class org.flixel.FlxSound |
| |
pauseOnFocusLost — Property, class org.flixel.FlxGame |
Should then game pause/result on focus changes?
pauseSounds() — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG |
Internal helper, pauses all game sounds. |
pauseTweenByIndex(p_tween:Number) — Static Method , class caurina.transitions.Tweener |
Pauses a specific tween. |
pauseTweens(p_scope:Object, ... rest) — Static Method , class caurina.transitions.Tweener |
Pause tweenings for a given object. |
PERIOD — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxKeyboard |
| |
perpDot(b:Box2DAS.Common:V2) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V2 |
| |
physicsScale — Static Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
pixels — Property, class org.flixel.FlxBitmapFont |
The bitmap onto which the font is loaded
_pixels — Property, class org.flixel.FlxSprite |
| |
pixels — Property, class org.flixel.FlxSprite |
Set pixels to any BitmapData object. |
_pixels — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.TileLayer |
| |
pixels — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.tile.Tile |
| |
pixels — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.tile.Tileset |
| |
play(EmbeddedSound:Class, Volume:Number, Looped:Boolean) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG |
Creates a new sound object from an embedded Class object. |
play() — method, class org.flixel.FlxSound |
Call this function to play the sound. |
play(AnimName:String, Force:Boolean) — method, class org.flixel.FlxSprite |
Plays an existing animation (e.g. |
play() — method, class stencyl.api.engine.sound.SoundClip |
| |
PLAYER_ID — Static Property, class stencyl.api.data.Game |
| |
playfield — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
playFromFrame(StartFrame:int) — method, class org.flixel.FlxSprite |
Plays the current Animation from a specific frame
playing — Property, class org.flixel.FlxSound |
Whether the sound is currently playing or not. |
playMusic(Music:Class, Volume:Number) — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG |
Set up and play a looping background soundtrack. |
playSounds() — Static Method , class org.flixel.FlxG |
Internal helper, pauses all game sounds. |
PLUS — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxKeyboard |
| |
point — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.ContactEvent |
Get the world point of contact (for 2-point contacts, this is the average). |
_point — Property, class org.flixel.FlxObject |
This is just a pre-allocated x-y point container to be used however you like
point — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.CollisionPoint |
| |
_point2 — Property, class org.flixel.FlxSound |
| |
pointA — Property, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2DistanceOutput |
| |
pointB — Property, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2DistanceOutput |
| |
pointCount — Property, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2Manifold |
| |
pointCount — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.ContactEvent |
Get the point count from the contact. |
points — Property, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2Manifold |
| |
points — Property, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2WorldManifold |
| |
points — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Collision |
| |
polygon — Static Property, class Box2DAS.Common.b2Def |
| |
position — Property, class Box2DAS.Common.b2Transform |
| |
position — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2BodyDef |
| |
_position — Property, class org.flixel.FlxSound |
| |
positionIterations — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.StepEvent |
| |
posRot(_p:Box2DAS.Common:V2, _r:Box2DAS.Common:M22) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.XF |
| |
postDraw(g:stencyl.api.engine:Graphics, x:Number, y:Number, screen:Boolean) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.BehaviorManager |
| |
postDrawBehaviors — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.BehaviorManager |
| |
postProcess() — method, class org.flixel.FlxState |
Override this function to do special pre-processing FX like light bloom. |
PostSolve(c:Box2DAS.Dynamics.Contacts:b2Contact, i:Box2DAS.Dynamics:b2ContactImpulse) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2ContactListener |
| |
PostSolve(c:int, a:Box2DAS.Dynamics:b2Fixture, b:Box2DAS.Dynamics:b2Fixture, i:int) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2World |
| |
POST_SOLVE — Static Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.ContactEvent |
| |
preCollide(Object:org.flixel:FlxObject) — method, class org.flixel.FlxObject |
FlxU.collide() (and thus FlxObject.collide()) call
this function each time two objects are compared to see if they collide. |
preDraw(g:stencyl.api.engine:Graphics, x:Number, y:Number, screen:Boolean) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.BehaviorManager |
| |
preDrawBehaviors — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.behavior.BehaviorManager |
| |
preProcess() — method, class org.flixel.FlxState |
Override this function to do special pre-processing FX like motion blur. |
PreSolve(c:Box2DAS.Dynamics.Contacts:b2Contact, o:Box2DAS.Collision:b2Manifold) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2ContactListener |
| |
PreSolve(c:int, a:Box2DAS.Dynamics:b2Fixture, b:Box2DAS.Dynamics:b2Fixture, o:int) — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.b2World |
| |
PRE_SOLVE — Static Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.ContactEvent |
| |
_pressed — Property, class org.flixel.FlxButton |
Tracks whether or not the button is currently pressed. |
pressed(Key:String) — method, class org.flixel.data.FlxKeyboard |
Check to see if this key is pressed. |
pressed() — method, class org.flixel.data.FlxMouse |
Check to see if the mouse is pressed. |
prev — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactEdge |
| |
prev — Property, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.Joints.b2JointEdge |
| |
preventDefault() — method, class Box2DAS.Dynamics.ContactEvent |
Disables a contact by setting it as a sensor for the life of the contact. |
preWrap(text:String, maxWidth:int, font:stencyl.api.engine.font:Font) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
print(message:any) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.Script |
| |
printError(p_message:String) — Static Method , class caurina.transitions.Tweener |
Output an error message
printf(raw:String, ... rest) — Package Function, stencyl.api.engine.utils |
| |
priority — Property, class Box2DAS.Controllers.b2Controller |
| |
prismaticJoint — Static Property, class Box2DAS.Common.b2Def |
| |
Profiler — class, package stencyl.api.engine.utils |
| |
proximity(X:Number, Y:Number, Core:org.flixel:FlxObject, Radius:Number, Pan:Boolean) — method, class org.flixel.FlxSound |
Call this function if you want this sound's volume to change
based on distance from a particular FlxCore object. |
proxyA — Property, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2DistanceInput |
| |
proxyB — Property, class Box2DAS.Collision.b2DistanceInput |
| |
prSubsetOf(value:Object) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.utils.HashSet |
Tells whether this is a proper subset (that is, a subset that is not identical)
of another object. |
PSCALE — Static Property, class stencyl.api.engine.GameState |
| |
_ptr — Property, class Box2DAS.Common.b2Base |
| |
pulleyJoint — Static Property, class Box2DAS.Common.b2Def |
| |
push(dirX:Number, dirY:Number, magnitude:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
pushInDirection(angle:Number, speed:Number) — method, class stencyl.api.engine.actor.Actor |
| |
_pZero — Constant Static Property, class org.flixel.FlxObject |
A handy "empty point" object
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