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x — Property, class Box2DAS.Common.V2
x — Property, class Box2DAS.Common.V3
x — Property, class Box2DAS.Common.b2Vec2
x — Property, class Box2DAS.Common.b2Vec3
x — Property, class org.flixel.FlxPoint
x — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxMouse
Current X position of the mouse pointer in the game world.
x — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxQuake
The amount of X distortion to apply to the screen.
x — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.Graphics
x — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.ActorInstance
x — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.DeferredActor
x — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.RegionDef
x — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.TerrainRegionDef
x — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.scene.Wireframe
X — Property, class org.flixel.data.FlxKeyboard
xf — Property, class Box2DAS.Common.b2Transform
XF — class, package Box2DAS.Common
XF(_p:Box2DAS.Common:V2, _r:Box2DAS.Common:M22) — Constructor, class Box2DAS.Common.XF
xVelocity — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.bg.ScrollingArea
xVelocity — Property, class stencyl.api.engine.bg.ScrollingBackground
xy(_x:Number, _y:Number) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V2
xyz(_x:Number, _y:Number, _z:Number) — method, class Box2DAS.Common.V3
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